You Should Read: Choose Yourself

I try and do a little bit of reading everyday.  I thought I might share some of my favorite books here on the blog in this new weekly section: You Should Read.

This book took me a while to read.  Not because it was difficult.  And not because the subj51htpzlPNQL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_ect material required a lot of pondering.  This book just motivated me like crazy.

Choose Yourself by James Altucher is about rethinking the traditional life path.  You know, the one where you go to school, get into college, get a job, get married, etc etc.    The individual, armed with an ever expanding array of tools, can achieve so much without needing a fancy college degree or years of experience.  This book will change the way you think.  Literally – there are countless thought exercises.  I don't agree with everything in the book, but for the most part the advice is very solid.  Is this a self help book?  Oh god I hope not.  But you will gain new perspectives and hopefully start actually achieving your goals.  and by the way, after reading the book, you may have a new idea of what your goals actually are.

Highly recommended.

One comment

  1. Hey TCD,

    I gotta say I’m a huge fan of James Altucher and all his books and his blog and his replies on Quora. He’s an incredibly insightful guy and I urge anyone looking at this page to also read this book.

    Best regards

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